Sunday, October 3, 2010

mEdIc NigHt

Ytd was medIc nIghT

here is my LooK on that night

ok ??

congrate to Uncle chua

finallY he done a good joB

although hav some complain from senior

but is oK la

ntg is perfect in this world

later we can hav wine at night

Lots of pic tOOk agaiN

but this time more quality less quantity

i heard mY beloved Prod Hamib is not leaving us for this year

wat a good new


sorrY tracy buddy ..coz i leaving early ytd night

hope can hav a dinner v u soON

1 comment:

vivian♥ said...

hmmm,still looked like how you looked the last time we met...your appearance really don't change much huh...haha

but...your pose...

have a niec day:)