Friday, January 1, 2010

neW yeAR eVe....

Sg Weng FireworK


MeT UPm medic 4th yeaR senior
(my cOusin gaNg)

Thx Jia LI

An memorable egg

GaSoLine...wat a Nice Place

Guess who is it ??


the PInky

P/S :
A bit sad u cant count down with me ...anyway ...glad to see u

Evey thing will be fine =) u will be better =)
Here we are 2010 ...a brand new Year for us ...buT
GOAL still the same ..never change

Thursday, December 31, 2009

thE DaY b4 2010

LasT daY of 2009

i praying


weLcome 2010

wiTh a sMiLe


Monday, December 28, 2009

rEsUlT oUt le.....

VIVA result of first Year

ResiT result Of first year

VIVa result of seCond YeAr

ResIT resULt of seConD yeaR

Time Table for ResiT

GOOD LUCK everyone


mEmOraBle MoMeNT foR mY hOlIdaY

: me, tzw , clt
Place : KL
time : 3 hours

wHaT a vAuAbLe piC

P/S :
Glad to see u TWO...will miss u all de...
L.T....stick with dream...u juz using a different way to acchieved it
TzW...KeeP It up o ^^i can see it and feel the effort that u puT
Me...long journey to go posItive always in my mind is a need in medicine career...
Prepare for everything ...coz u never know wat happen in the next moment...
life is full of changing