Friday, July 2, 2010

mY LappY

LadY and Gentleman

let me introduce

DELL VOstro 3700

my new lappY ^^

Due to graphic card problem

my HP lappy now at the ICU ward

so...pls..dun buy HP was worthless

a biT sad due to no bronze colour 4 me

which i think very yeng

17 inch huge..but i like mney buy i7

Thursday, July 1, 2010

is FiNal DaY

It is Final day

me without her


tHe pErsOn thaT u NeveR knEw b4

i want show 2 child that u all never see b4

mY counsiN

they are my mum ' s little bro child

cute right ??

sCeNe tooK by my sis

Another 3 ppl

they are my aunt, cousin and my cousin GF

B 仔

Her Name Bee BeE 美美


weSak daY at Kajang

we hav to walk 7kM

if hav chance, i will go for it

every year


even a baby ..also come...^^

although he or she fall asleep(cute )

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Travel me aNd HeR aT geNtiNg

I am here to share thing v u all the place that i always go

it was nothing unsual


wat the sepecial is

I go with Her at this time

iT was a memorable trip


i really enJoy in Taking pic

Trust me

is gud to hav one DSLR =>

IT was FUn

Breakfast that i prepared for Her

BR, is cheap when got discount on 31st

now i addicted to this game le

909 from RM 18 record ever from me

UV bolling...cooL

night sceNe

water Fall =)

IsTana bUdAYa


The director Of kITa

Thx tO theM

U know who is it ?? 林健輝

he is first actor..i only one hav this pic..coz is me took, but not clear... =(

the sTage

Really LooK stunning

The ticket ...even is upper circle..but i try all the seat in one day

IsTana Budaya

The place that i went for musical


it is abOut 1 MalaYsia sToRy

quite nice

Thx to Uncle leong..KIm Lin...Ah bear

becoz of u all

i have chance to visit

there are some pic i wan share

give comment how was the pics that i was took