Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pic sharing

Dunno why ...i like to shoot plant and view

this is another pic that i shoot recently early in the morning

i hav not many time to shoot during study days

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

ChecK in tIme 0310..Kuala PeganG

Check In time 0310..kuala Pegang

this 2 day i really make lots of travel

Kuala Terranganu - Kl - Kuala Pegang in 2 day time

took almost 18 hours of bus riding

Tired but i LOve It

RedanG BaY

It feel good when visit an old place

a Place that had give me lots of memory there

Redang Bay somewhere i will not 4get

visiT rEdang b4 late ..the coral are dying

made a new friend ...beach Boy...AustIn Chay

Hope you din mind ya...take a pic from your blog

he was awesome altough younger than me

different ppl different fate

hope can meet up after you get ur work done

yahOO ...i bek

i bek after dormant 1 month

Passed Pro exam with a bit disappointing

anyway...dosen make any sense when think about

pass is more than enough

i still have long journey to go

Shooting shooting and shooting

i try to improve not in term of skill ..but in term of mind

we muz use our brain to shoot a pic then the composition of pic is ALIVE

not DEaTh

this time Journey: redang Bay, Kedah , and Sabah

leTs Rollll