Monday, January 18, 2010

nO tiTle

the LatesT pic thaT i TooK

abOut tHe traveL thing ...i think next WeeK ba

less blog for this 2 weeK


sometime got thing diN blog at my bLoggie


I wan keeP it deepest part in mY hearT

juz me ...the only one know about it

time pass so fast

sem 2 soon

happy aboUt it ...stay home also ntg to do

erm ....size bigger after travel ..damn...i wan slim down ...pls..can i ?

even my genetic is code for XL gene expression

movie - i wan CARRIER and SPY NEXT DooR

Who Can witH me ??

yesterdaY night ...i bek mY college and Fac

for Chinese Classical Music Concert

manY senior shock when saw me

but they din look clearly

i think i should should sleeP now..

night worLd

= )


AJ said...

YALO!!!!I said it was u!!!!and other said it was not u wor =.=
so I also be doubtful with what I saw

junhui said...

is that me behind?

DaVid HuAng said...

aJ me lo

jun hui ....ya u la ...swt