Friday, January 1, 2010

neW yeAR eVe....

Sg Weng FireworK


MeT UPm medic 4th yeaR senior
(my cOusin gaNg)

Thx Jia LI

An memorable egg

GaSoLine...wat a Nice Place

Guess who is it ??


the PInky

P/S :
A bit sad u cant count down with me ...anyway ...glad to see u

Evey thing will be fine =) u will be better =)
Here we are 2010 ...a brand new Year for us ...buT
GOAL still the same ..never change


Jiali Lau said...

i like da 3rd fireworks pic. :)
Happyyy 2010!!

DaVid HuAng said...

realLY ??coz it pInk